Monday, May 19, 2008

Nerd Alert!

The path to the dark side

Holy shit you guys. The nerdiest assault in world history occurred in Great (yeah right) Britain recently when a dude dressed as Darth Vader attacked the founder of Britain's Jedi church and his cousin. Really, this actually happened.

So the dude was apparently wasted when he attacked and has no recollection of it. (Un)Luckily for him the ultra nerds had a camcorder set up to tape themselves having a light saber battle. I think maybe this is what would have happened if these characters were real and in high school. The school badass, Darth Vader, gets totally hammered and attacks the Jedi nerds with a metal crutch. Talk about a fan fiction opportunity! Star Wars High school, someone get on that.

So anyway, I find this story extremely hilarious. This dude obviously knew about the Jedi church and was probably cracking jokes about it with his buddies. They decide they're going to each finish a box of wine, last one done has to attack the Jedi dudes. They create a makeshift costume out of an old Vader Halloween mask and a garbage bag and reach for the closest thing to a light saber their drunk minds can come up with, a metal crutch.

My only problem with any of this is the reaction of the Jedi dudes. I mean, let's be real, these dudes probably fantasize about fighting Darth Vader all the f-ing time. Then they're lucky enough to be in a situation where he straight up attacks them, when they are about to tape themselves having a light saber battle, and they don't take the opportunity to kick Vader's ass. Come on! Its two on one, its self defense, its on tape, they have "light sabers"...holy shit did they blow it. Instead they puss out, take a couple undefended crutch whacks and run to the law.

The force is weak in these clowns.


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