Monday, March 30, 2009

Trip Ideas from February, the black history moth.

Hey guys, it's me Feb! If you're looking for an interesting trip this weekend you could go to my favorite spot, the eternal flame at JFK's gravesite in Arlington, VA. I love this place for many reasons, see if you can name them all!

This is the best!

Here's one to start you out: I sure do appreciate all that JFK did for civil rights!


Lester Freamon said...

That joke is so meta. Let's see, drumroll:

You liked JFK because you're attracted to moist, dark places and they seemed to follow him around (HEYOOO).

You dig the JFK memorial because it's in Virginia, which is ironic, because Kennedy never set foot south of the Potomac, and everyone knows moths love irony.

Because Kennedy was the first black president. And a pimp. Belee'dat.

charliedumdum said...

All good reasons. Very nice.

I wish I had more friends to contribute to this.