Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Here's a tip, give it a rest...


Dudes, one thing that I can't stand is tip jars at bullshit locations. Today I went to Quizno's and they had a tip jar at the register. That is so lame. You're seriously asking me to tip you for making change on an overpriced sub? Or is the tip for your insistence on badgering me to get the chips and the drink? Guess what, I don't want the combo meal. If I did I would ask for it. Seriously, I'm not ashamed or nervous, I will order it if I want it.

Now don't get me wrong, I worked as a waiter and even fancy myself to be a good tipper when appropriate. But that's because waiters actually go do work, plus they get paid about three dollars less per hour than the dummy running the register at fast food restaurants. What's next? Is my dentist going to put a jar next to his spit sink? How about one next to the ATM, I mean that machine is working some long shifts.


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